Violet North: |
Name: Peacock Akumu-clan
Age: 1533
Preference: Malice (ur,
Species: Nightmare Phoenix
Height: 5'08" (yes, he grew)
VN Position: Lead vocals, lead guitar
Year in School: 28th
Room #: 23, M-wing, 2nd floor Roommate:
Notes: Peacock has matured a bit (or at
least, he'd like to think so) since we last saw
him in Demonic Boppu. He's still engaged
to Malice, but doesn't get to see her as often as
he'd like since he's stuck at school. He's trying
very hard to stay faithful to Malice, despite any
amorous intentions of his admirers. |
Name: RoseN Kuay-clan
Age: 1469
Preference: Males
Species: Verphe
Height: 6'0"
VN Position: Bass guitar, backup vocals
Year in School: 29th
Room #: 23, M-wing, 2nd floor Roommate:
Notes: (RoseN isn't his real name.
That's a Verphe secret.) Roz is a bit of a
conundrum. On one hand, he's a horny queer drunk.
On the other hand, he's disgustingly
multitalented, in perfect physical condition (for
a Verphe of his age), and a friggin GENIUS. Even
when smashed he's still more intelligent than
most demons. Something of a slut, but has it bad
for his best friend. His behavior flip-flops
between being very serious and very silly. (And
no, there's nothing wrong with his left eye.) |
Name: Salt Kishu
Age: 1457
Preference: Unknown
Species: Sympliss dragon
Height: 5'08"
VN Position: Drummer
Year in School: 29th
Room #: 6, E-wing, 2nd floor Roommate:
? (Salt says he's a jerk)
Notes: In general, Salt is cute,
clueless, and almost always wearing a skirt.
(It's what his species does.) He's average in
almost every way, except for being an excellent
drummer. He's somewhat doubtful of his own
talents, though. He wears his hair up most of the
time because Roz once said it looked cute. Has
the potential to be dangerously sexy, but
fortunately he's never focused enough to be such.
Probably because he's terribly camera shy.
Instead, he's a perpetual tease without realizing
that he's being a tease. O_o; |
Cast: |
Name: Azomerium Kasieo
Age: 1526
Preference: Anything that moves
Species: Catemeransk
Height: ~5'10" on average
Year in School: 45th
Room #: 1, M-wing, 2nd floor Roommate:
Notes: Azo is the hall leader for
Starstail Hall. This duty means he....well, no
one is exactly sure. He arranges special events
and deals with residential problems. Azo is
completely colorblind (he sees in greyscale), and
dyes hir hair every few days. He's just never
sure what color he's dying it. Azo loves Mitzu
and is often found sitting outside with him.
Don't step on hir tentacles, because he's very
scary when he's angry. Azo is also the
self-appointed manager of Violet North. |
Name: Mitsuni Cisumi-clan
Age: 1487
Preference: Bisexual (likes
girls a bit more but isn't picky)
Species: Stellar dragon
Height: 5'5"
Year in School: 32nd
Room #: 30, M-wing, 1st floor Roommate:
Notes: No one is sure if Mitzu ever goes
to class. He spends most of his time sitting on
the steps to his side of the dorm, smoking
flowers and drinking. He's Azo's now-and-then
boyfriend. Mitzu likes to have his wings brushed
by cute girls. |
Name: Kashae Sillantec
Age: 1503
Preference: Isn't supposed to have one.
Species: Berufu
Height: 6'5"
Year in School: 48th
Room #: 30, M-wing, 1st floor Roommate:
Notes: Self-proclaimed as Peacock's
biggest fan. He's a monk for the Berufu temple to
Aree-Aru, but is at the NDMA for his required
schooling. Usually very withdrawn and quiet. He
likes claustrophobia-inducing spaces, and never
shortens names. |
Appearing: |

Name: Havoc Galena-clan
Age: 2347
Preference: Bisexual
Species: Stellar dragon (Smoke angel
Height: 6'01"
VN Position: Plays piano for a few of
their songs, but not actually in the band
Notes: Now the fiancé of the synth
dragon crowne prince, Havoc has mellowed a little
in the last few years. At the same time, he's
gotten a bit cockier. But we won't complain,
since he's still a loveable idiot. |

Name: Pekidante Galena-clan
Age: 27 (he's a baby!)
Species: Smoke angel (Stellar dragon
Height: about 8"?
Notes: At this point Pekidante is still
just a cute little impressonable baby, so there's
not much to tell. He's got bad vision, though,
and commonly bounces into walls. So he usually
gets carried. |

Name: Malice Galena-clan
Age: 2347
Preference: Men (Peacock,
Species: Smoke angel (Stellar
dragon halfbreed)
Height: 5'09"
Notes: Malice is still....
Malice. She spends most of her time at home now,
either babysitting her brother, training with
Murrphe, or emailing Peacock. Don't be fooled,
she's still a bitch. <3 |
Name: Denbue Kishu
Age: 459108 [3rd cycle]
Preference: Females
Species: Sympliss dragon
Height: 5'09"
Notes: The cranky widower (his wife died
about 50,000 years before), Kishu is related to
Salt by blood. He's a graphic designer and agreed
to do cover art for Violet North's albums, and
concert posters. Kishu also spends some of his
free time teaching art classes. |